Thrilling and action-packed virtual reality experience as the renowned game 'Bulletstorm' announces its standalone VR version. This highly anticipated release promises to bring skill shot carnage to...
Exciting news awaits fans of the popular virtual reality game, 'Asgard's Wrath.' The highly anticipated sequel has been revealed and is set to make its way to the Oculus Quest platform this winter....
The recent Quest Gaming Showcase has brought forth a wave of excitement for virtual reality (VR) enthusiasts, unveiling a range of upcoming games and experiences for the Oculus Quest platform. From...
Escape Simulator is set to bring its highly engaging 8-player co-op escape rooms to the world of virtual reality (VR). Known for their immersive and thrilling escape room experiences, Escape...
The report comes from Taiwan's Economic Daily News, which has just published an article focusing on the Reality Pro headset. According to the outlet, Apple is currently in the final stages of...
Fans of classic 90s adventure games have something to look forward to this year as "The 7th Guest" is receiving a highly anticipated VR remake. The renowned studio behind the popular VR zombie...