PS4 Controller Keeps Disconnecting While Playing on PC – Troubleshooting Tips

PS4 Controller Keeps Disconnecting While Playing on PC

PS4 is one of the best video game devices that has gained acceptance from many game lovers all over the world. You can play lots of interesting video games on this game console with the aid of the controllers.

A lot of gamers who love to take control of PS4 via their PCs experience constant disconnection of the controllers, which can frustrate your gaming session and make you lose interest altogether. If your PS4 controller keeps disconnecting even when plugged in, we will help you fix it in no time.

First, let us check out some of the probable reasons PS4 Keeps Disconnecting While Playing on PC.

Why does my PS4 controller keep disconnecting?

  • Improper Cable Connection / Damaged Cable Wires

You can connect your PS4 to a laptop using a cable wire. Incorrect insertion of the cable wire into any of your devices might lead to the disconnection of the controllers.

Also, a damaged cable wire will make your controller connection unsuccessful.

  • Outdated PC Bluetooth Drivers

Sometimes, even when you are successful at connecting your controller to a PC via Bluetooth, you may notice that your controller keeps disconnecting. The reason might be that your Bluetooth Drivers have expired.

If the Bluetooth Drivers on your PC are outdated or not properly installed, then your controller will keep turning off every time you try to connect it.

  • Damaged USB Port on Your PC

You can connect your PS4 controllers to a PC using a USB port.

On average, a PC should have up to 3 USB ports. If one of the USB ports is faulty and you try to connect your controller to the damaged port, your PS4 controller would not connect.

  • Signal Interference

When unwanted signals block useful signals, the two signals will overlap at a point. This results in a condition known as signal interference. Just as its name portends, signal interference blocks the Bluetooth signal from the controller from getting to the PC.

  • Firmware Issues/Outdated Windows OS

Bad or outdated firmware can lead to persistent disconnection of your controllers.

Also, an outdated Windows operating system may cause the controller’s constant disconnection.

  • A Faulty Controller/Controller Battery

When the controller itself is faulty, you cannot connect it to other devices. The same applies to your PS4 controller batteries. These could be the reasons for the constant disconnection that you are experiencing on your controller.

  • Improper Configuration of Bluetooth on your PC

An improper Bluetooth configuration on your PC might affect the connection of your controller.

  • The Absence of the DS4 Software on your PC/Mobile Devices

To play PS4 games on your PC or other devices, you need to install the DS4 Software for PS4 support on your devices.

Without installing this software, you might face difficulties connecting your controllers and playing PS4 video games.

Why does my PS4 controller keep turning off? – How to Fix it (Basic Troubleshooting)

Re-sync PS4 Controller

You won’t lose your gaming data when you re-sync your PS4 and it’s very easy:

  • Use a working USB cable to connect your controller to your PS4 console
  • Press and hold down the PS button to re-sync the console

Reset PS4 Controller

By choosing to reset your game console, you will lose your game data, which means you have to start afresh. Below is how to rest your PS4 controller:

  • Switch off your game console and remove the connected USB cable
  • Locate the reset button (usually beside the L2 button behind your console). Then, use a needle or Sim ejector pin to press down the reset button on your PS4 console.
  • Reconnect your controller to the game console with a USB cable

Restart PS4 Controller

Restarting your PS4 console takes more time than resetting and re-syncing. You will also lose all of your game data. However, if you have tried the two options before this with no success, then you don’t have any choice but to restart your console. Below is how to go about it:

  • Switch off your PS4 game console
  • Press and hold down the power button for a few seconds. Don’t release your hold till it makes two beep sounds.
  • Now that you have shut down your console, remove it from its power source and leave it for a few minutes.
  • Plugin your PS4 console to a power source and reconnect it to your controller with a USB cable
  • Switch on the console

Why does my controller keep disconnecting PS4 While Playing Steam Games? (Fix it Now)

If you have connectivity issues with your controller while gaming on steam, below is how to fix it:

  • Open Steam on your Laptop and select the Settings option
  • Under the Controller category, select Controller Settings
  • For the PS4 controller, confirm that it can detect the controller. Then, select the check box to enable PlayStation Configuration Support.
  • They usually set the controller shutdown time to 15 minutes by default. Change the time settings to Never.

Why does my PS4 controller keep disconnecting – Other General Ways to Fix It.

Inspection of Cable Wire/Proper Cable Connection

Ensure that there are no loose ends in your cable connection. You should fix the cable wires should properly.

Inspect your cable wires to be sure that they are in good condition. If you notice any defect on your cable wire, endeavor to replace it as soon as you can.

Avoid using the cable wires that you use for connecting your controller for other purposes to make it last longer.

Properly Install The Bluetooth Drivers

A proper installation of the Bluetooth drivers can aid the connection of your DS4 controller. Below are the basic steps that you need to set up your Bluetooth drivers:

  • Navigate to the Control Panel on your PC
  • Check for the option Device and Printers and select it.
  • Check for the PS4 Controller device option and do a right-click using your PC mouse.
  • Just in case you have connected your controller to the PC, select the option Remove Device.
  • However, if you have not connected your controller to the PC, check for the Settings and Bluetooth option.
  • On the controllers, press down on the PS button together with the Share button until you can see a flash of light on your controller. This will enable your PC to detect your controller.
  • When you are sure that your PC has identified your controller, use the mouse to right-click on the Properties option. This will reveal a list of options.
  • Select the option that applies to you and select Apply, then Ok to save your settings.
  • If the disconnection issue persists, you can try updating your Bluetooth drivers.

Avoid Damaged USB Port on Your PC

Ensure that the USB port you intend to use for connection works properly. Don’t bother connecting your controller via a faulty USB port, it won’t work.

Reposition Devices that Could cause Signal Interference

Consider moving home appliances like PCs, mobile phones, TVs, microwave ovens, and even your router to a considerable distance from your PS4 game console. This should reduce or eliminate the signal interference that can cause the controller’s disconnection.

Fix faulty Controller/ Replace the Battery of the Controller

Be sure that you have fully charged your controller battery. If your controller battery is low, quickly charge it and see if it connects.

If the issue persists, try using another controller battery (you can get one from any PS4 owner that you know). If the new controller battery works, then it may be a sign that your battery is faulty and you need to get a new one.

Ensure that the charger of your controller is working. Replace it if it is not working.

Finally, test the connection with another controller to confirm if your controller has a fault. If it does, contact Sony for repairs or get a new controller.

Clear Cache

  • Navigate to the Quick Menu option by clicking on the PS4 button.
  • Click on the option Turn off Playstation4 and allow the indicator light on your PS4 console to go off.
  • Remove your PS4 console from its power source. Then wait for about 5 minutes before connecting it back to the power source.
  • Connect the controllers again and click On PS4.

Troubleshoot Bluetooth Settings

  • On your PC keyboard, open your windows settings by pressing the Windows and I key together.
  • Next, click on Update and Security. You will find the Troubleshoot icon on the left panel, click on it to select the Additional Troubleshooters option. 
  • Down the page, you will find the option Find and fix other problems, click on Bluetooth. Then click on the button Run the Troubleshooter.
  • Connect the controllers again to see if it has resolved the issue.

Properly Install and Update The Required Softwares on your PC/Mobile Devices

Download and install the DS4 software on your PC before connecting it to your controller. Also ensure your Windows operating system and firmware is up-to-date

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